Instructions for using VoterVoice

How to send an email message to your elected officials.
Step 1. Simply put your signature at the bottom of the pre-filled letter below and make any changes you would like to include.
Step 2. Enter your email address and zip code and hit continue.
Step 3. Enter your name and address and hit send message.
Your email will automatically go to your elected officials in your district.

How to send a tweet to your elected officials.
Step 1. Hit the twitter icon and put your name at the bottom of the pre-filled tweet.
Step 2. Enter your email address and zip code and hit continue.
Step 3 Enter name and address and hit tweet.

How to send a Facebook message to your elected officials.
Step 1. Hit the Facebook icon and put your name at the bottom of the message area.
Step 2. Copy and paste the suggested message in the post box and make any changes of your own.
Step 3. Enter your email address and zip code and hit continue.
Step 4. Enter name and address and hit tweet.

How to call your elected officials.
Step 1. Hit the phone icon and click the circle phone icon next to the official you would like to call.
Step 2. Call the number provided in the popup and read from the script when connected.
Step 3. Be sure to swap the blank in the script with the name of the legislator you are calling.
Step 4. Select an option in the dropdown to indidcate you completed your call, then save and call another legislator.


Send a pre-written message to your local officials using the form below.

Are you a retired teacher who now lives outside the Commonwealth of Kentucky? click here
For any additional questions or concerns, contact
problems viewing form? click here
need instructions? click here

Register for Email Newsletter


How can you help?

Send a pre-written message to your local officials using the form below.  

Are you a retired teacher who now lives outside the Commonwealth of Kentucky? click here

For any additional questions or concerns, contact
problems viewing form? click here
need instructions? click here