Changes to Cost-Of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) Calculator

Suspensions to Cost-Of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) may not seem like a large amount upfront, but over time those missing adjustments can amount to tens of thousands of dollars withheld from retired teachers over the course of their retirement. Jump to Calculator

The TRS COLA’s are pre-funded. 1.74 percent of an active teacher’s paycheck during his or her working years is allocated to exclusively pre-fund COLA’s for their retirement. Because of this, COLA suspensions would be in violation of the inviolable contract

If the state were to implement a COLA freeze for 20 years, they would recoup $3.6 billion. That is a bail-out check to the tune of $3.6 billion that legislators and Gov. Bevin’s administration are writing to themselves. Frankfort is raiding COLAs, which are pre-funded by teacher salaries, as a way to avoid paying the debt that they owe to the pension system.

Frankfort legislators and Gov. Matt Bevin’s administration talk about shared sacrifice in reforming the pension systems, but it seems clear that most of the burden is being shouldered by current and future retired teachers.

Are you a teacher?

Use the link below to download a spreadsheet that can be used to calculate the amount you would lose as a result of COLA suspensions.

The calculator determines loss from COLA suspensions as an amount lost over the average life expectancy of a teacher. This number may be quite high because it is a cumulative amount that would be lost over the remainder of a retiree’s lifetime.

*PLEASE NOTE: Microsoft Excel is required for use. Calculator does not work on most mobile devices. Please download onto a laptop or desktop computer. Macros may need to be enabled for calculator to function correctly.
Download Calculator*

Contact Your Legislator NOW!

COLA suspensions will have devastating impacts on the lives of current and future retired teachers. Click the button below and send a pre-written letter to your Gov. Matt Bevin as well as your local senator and representative.

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