2024 Kentucky Legislative Session: All Bills Associated with Education with Summary

HB1: Appropriations for Government (Petrie, Jason)

AN ACT relating to government agencies, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
We are review this bill and will provide detailed information on education appropriations in the coming days.

  • Appropriate General Fund moneys from the Budget Reserve Trust Fund Account in fiscal years 2023-2024, 2024-2025, and 2025-2026 to the following: Kentucky Infrastructure Authority for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure grants; Department for Local Government to provide matching funds under the Government Resources Accelerating Needed Transformation Program; Kentucky Public Pensions Authority to be applied to the unfunded liability of the State Police Retirement Systems and the Kentucky Employees Retirement System Nonhazardous pension funds; Teachers’ Retirement System to be applied to the unfunded actuarially accrued liability; Cabinet for Economic Development to support the KEDFA loan pool and development projects; Department of Kentucky State Police for lab equipment; Transportation Cabinet to improve public riverports, to implement the Short Line Infrastructure Preservation and Industrial Access and Safety Improvement pilot projects, and support grants to each General Aviation airport; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.
    1/16/2024 – Introduced

HB6 Executive Branch Budget (Petrie, Jason)

AN ACT relating to appropriations measures providing funding and establishing conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities.

We are review this bill and will provide detailed information on education appropriations in the coming days.

  • The State/Executive Branch Budget: Detail Part I, Operating Budget; detail Part II, Capital Projects Budget; detail Part III, General Provisions; detail Part IV, State Salary/Compensation, Benefit, and Employment Policy; detail Part V, Funds Transfer; detail Part VI, General Fund Budget Reduction Plan; detail Part VII, General Fund Surplus Expenditure Plan; detail Part VIII, Road Fund Budget Reduction Plan; detail Part IX, Road Fund Surplus Expenditure Plan; detail Part X, Phase I Tobacco Settlement; and detail Part XI, Executive Branch Budget Summary; APPROPRIATION.


1/16/2024 – Introduced

HB36 Student Resiliency and Well-Being (Willner, Lisa)

AN ACT relating to student resiliency and well-being.

This bill would establish a Center for Student Resiliency and Well-Being in KDE to compile data, coordinate training and monitor the number of mental health professinals in KY schools.  This bill would remove the definition of “trauma-informed approach” and replace it with the “student resiliency and well-being approach” in the statutes:

  • Establish the Center for Student Resiliency and Well-Being within the Kentucky Department of Education to gather and compile data, coordinate training, and monitor the numbers and types of mental health professionals in schools
  • Include the definition of “student resiliency and well-being approach” and remove the definition of “trauma-informed approach”;
  • Require the resiliency and well-being team to compile their activities to be used in the creation of the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan and Comprehensive District Improvement Plan and submit the information to the Center for Student Resiliency and Well-Being;
  • Require a school district to allow a parent to decline their student’s participation in well-being questionnaires rather than requiring parental consent for the student to participate
  • Require schools to provide an opportunity for any student who missed the suicide prevention awareness lesson to receive the lesson at a later time


1/2/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to KEES scholarships for students attending noncertified schools.

This bill would allow home schooled students to be eligible for KEES scholarships based on ACT scores, identical to SB 7:

  • Include an equivalent score on the Classic Learning Test as a KEES supplemental amount; define “eligible noncertified school graduate”
  • Amend definitions of “KEES award,” “KEES award maximum,” and ” KEES base amount” for an eligible noncertified school graduate
  • Establish an equivalent grade point average for eligible noncertified school graduates based on the graduate’s ACT score


1/2/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to students.

This bill falls in the realm of ‘parental rights’ legislation.  It declares that the responsibility to provide the system of common schools within the Commonwealth belongs to the General Assembly alone under the Kentucky Constitution and that responsibility is not superseded by any federal or international law or institution, and defines actions regarding participation in student questionnaires, use or release of student digital records and use of radio frequency tracking technology only occur with the knowledge and consent of parents:

  • Require a public school to obtain parent approval for their child’s participation in any questionnaire or similar activities
  • Establish parental rights relating to student data and privacy; require parental consent prior to using radio frequency identification technology to track students or collect student data
  • Require school districts and public to adopt policies and procedures to comply with the restrictions on use of radio frequency identification technology
  • Establish a cause of action for violation of the section
  • Require a local board of education to adopt policies to prohibit the administration of certain examinations or surveys without written parental consent
  • Establish requirements for schools to obtain parental permission, create limitations of the section’s applicability
    Provide that Section 1 may be cited as The Child and Family Privacy Act.


1/2/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to urban youth agriculture education.

This bill promotes farming in urban counties:

  • Establish the Kentucky Urban Farming Youth Initiative to promote farming to youth in urban counties in at least one urban University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service office beginning August 1, 2024, and others by August 1, 2025;
  • Set each program term to one year in duration beginning in January and establish guidelines for participant eligibility.


1/2/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to the establishment of the Kentucky Healthy Farm and Food Innovation Board and making an appropriation therefor.

  • Establish the Kentucky Healthy Farm and Food Innovation Board and specify membership
  • Sets forth the duties of the Kentucky Healthy Farm and Food Innovation Board and establish the healthy farm and food innovation fund
  • Exempt the Kentucky Healthy Farm and Food Innovation Board from a classified service designation.


1/3/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT proposing to amend Section 42 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to sessions of the General Assembly.

This bill would allow the General Assembly to spread the number of days it is allowed to meet each year throughout the entire year:

  • Propose to amend Section 42 of the Constitution of Kentucky to eliminate the existing dates by which the General Assembly must adjourn in any regular session; provide that no session shall extend beyond December 31.


1/3/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to moments of silence and reflection.

This bill requires a moment of silence to start each school day.  At least the third session this bill has been filed:

  • Require moments of silence or reflection at the start of each school day and establish guidelines.


1/3/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to English language learners.

This bill seeks to keep ESL students from adversely impacting reading test scores:

  • Create a tiered implementation of English language learners into the accountability system.


1/3/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to appropriations measures providing funding and establishing conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities.

This is the Governor’s recommended budget:

  • The Governor’s recommended State/Executive Branch Budget: Detail Part I, Operating Budget; detail Part II, Capital Projects Budget; detail Part III, General Provisions; detail Part IV, State Salary/Compensation, Benefit, and Employment Policy; detail Part V, Funds Transfer; detail Part VI, General Fund Budget Reduction Plan; detail Part VII, General Fund Surplus Expenditure Plan; detail Part VIII, Road Fund Budget Reduction Plan; detail Part IX, Road Fund Surplus Expenditure Plan; detail Part X, Phase I Tobacco Settlement; and detail Part XI, Executive Branch Budget Summary; APPROPRIATION.


1/3/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to school personnel.

This bill seeks to provide school personnel who are assaulted by students with benefits and toughen penalties for student offenders:

  • Require school districts to provide a teacher or other employee leave with no loss of income or benefits for 60 school days following an assault against the teacher or employee that results in a physical injury
  • Specify the terms of the leave; require the school district to pay for mental health services of the teacher or employee’s choosing during the leave period
  • Require a local board of education to adopt a policy requiring expulsion when a student physically assaults or batters school personnel and provide that the policy may permit case-by-case modifications with the consent of the victim
  • Permit the safety of school personnel to be a factor in issuing suspensions and expulsions of primary school students
  • Remove the requirement that a physical injury be serious to require a principal to report an assault to law enforcement
  • Require mandatory reporters to report assault, battery, or abuse of school personnel or students on school property.


1/3/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to the taxation of retirement distributions.

This bill would restore the amount of retirement benefits that can be excluded from state income tax to $41,110:

  • Increase the retirement distribution exclusion from $31,110 to $41,110 for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2025.


1/3/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to service credit for the Teachers’ Retirement System and declaring an emergency.

TRS service credit for unpaid days missed to observe religious holidays:

  • Allow members of the Teachers’ Retirement System to recover up to 10 unpaid days that were missed to observe religious holidays; include the recovered days in count of days worked for service credit


1/3/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to products that contain nicotine.

This bill seeks to make it easier for schools to deal with the vape epidemic:

  • Require the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to establish a vapor retail license and require retailers to have a retail license to sell vapor products
  • Increase penalties for violations related to the sale of tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, or vapor products
  • Establish penalties for individuals under the age of 18 and individuals over the age of 18 but under 21 who purchase or attempt to purchase alternative nicotine products, tobacco products, or vapor products
  • Increase penalties for violations related to the distribution and retail of cigarettes, tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, or vapor products
  • Require local boards of education to include policies that penalize students for possessing alternative nicotine products, tobacco products, or vapor products on school grounds and list those penalties
  • Establish penalties for individuals under the age of 18 and individuals over the age of 18 but under 21 who are caught in possession of alternative nicotine products, tobacco products, or vapor products
  • Include tobacco, alternative nicotine product, or vapor product violations as status offenses.


1/4/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to dyslexia.

This bill seeks to require rather than allow districts to develop policies on dyslexia:

  • Require rather than allow local boards of education to develop policy on dyslexia
  • Rather than allow the policy to include listed items
  • Require postsecondary institutions offering teacher preparation programs to include instruction on dyslexia by the 2025-2026 school year, rather than the instruction being contingent on funding availability.


1/4/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to mathematics education.

This bill seeks to address math pedagogy in a manner similar to the recent Read to Succeed Act:

  • Specify the role of Department of Education in assisting local school districts with mathematics instruction, supports, and interventions
  • Require the department to collaborate with designated agencies on mathematics programming, materials, and activities; amend KRS 158.840 to require students in grades four through eight needing to make accelerated progress in mathematics to receive intervention; require Council on Post Secondary to submit an annual report on the compliance of teacher preparation programs
  • Require regular reports to an external evaluator on elementary and middle school mathematics instruction
  • Require the Department of Education to promulgate regulations defining multitiered supports for students in grades four through eight; require the department to provide technical support to school districts
  • Require school districts to select a universal screener for mathematics by January 1, 2025 and require schools to give the mathematics universal screener to all students in grades four through eight within the first 30 days of school beginning with the 2025-2026 school year
  • Require the department to provide resources to teachers on specific screeners and instructional resources; require the department to establish reading teacher academies or coaching models by September 1, 2025, if funds are available
  • Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to require postsecondary institutions offering teacher preparation programs in elementary education and middle school mathematics education to include kindergarten through grade 12 instructional strategies and Department of Education identified mathematics resources
  • Require the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) to develop and maintain a list of approved teacher preparation assessments
  • Require the EPSB to develop an evaluation rubric for teacher candidates; require the EPSB to report elementary and middle school mathematics teacher preparation program data to an external evaluator
  • Change the composition of the Committee for Mathematics Achievement
  • Establish the Kentucky numeracy counts fund; provide that moneys in the fund shall not lapse
  • Provide that the Act may be cited as the Kentucky Numeracy Counts Act.


1/5/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to parental rights.

This bill would prohibit a disability from being used as a reason to deny adoption and provide services and resources to help parents with disabilities:

  • Define “disability” and add disability as a reason upon which a petition for adoption shall not be denied
  • Require reasonable efforts and accommodations tailored to a parent’s disability
  • Define “adaptive parenting equipment,” “adaptive parenting techniques,” “disability,” and “disability support services”;
  • Require a description of the reasonable efforts that have been made be provided to the court and expand the definition of “reasonable efforts” to include accommodations for parents with disabilities;
  • Require that a child’s case progress report include a description of the reasonable efforts that have been made;
  • Include disability as a reason upon which a termination cannot be solely based.


1/8/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to school meals at low-income schools and making an appropriation therefor. (Identical to SB 40)

  • Establish the Kentucky Proud School Match Program and direct the Department of Education to reimburse an eligible school district $0.33 for every meal reimbursed by the community eligibility provision at the paid rate
  • Require a school district that receives a reimbursement to develop and implement a Kentucky Proud school plan to identify and purchase available Kentucky-grown agricultural products and to optimize food usage
  • Direct the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations necessary to carry out this section; provide that the section shall be null and void if the community eligibility provision is terminated by the United States Department of Agriculture
  • Provide that the Act may be cited as the Kentucky Proud School Match Act


1/8/2024 – Introduced




AN ACT relating to pharmacy benefits.

This bill could adversely impact the ability of educators and retired educators to get the discounts they may currently enjoy by using mail order prescription services.

  • Prohibit insurers, pharmacy benefit managers, and other pharmacy benefit administrators from requiring or incentivizing the use of a mail-order pharmaceutical distributor.
  • Apply provisions of amended KRS 304.17A-164 to limited health service benefit plans, including limited health service contracts, limited health service organizations, the state employee health plan, and postsecondary educational institution self-insured group health plans.
  • Repeal 304.38A-120, relating to assignment of certain benefits under limited health service organization plans, to consolidate like provisions; make technical corrections.
  • EFFECTIVE January 1, 2025.


1/8/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to materials, programs, or events alleged to be harmful to minors.

This bill would require boards to allow parents to orally recite passages from materials, programs, or events they find objectionable at board meetings, or immediately remove the passages from materials, programs, or events if this permission is denied:

  • Require the local board of education to allow parents and guardians an opportunity to orally recite passages from materials, programs, or events subject to appeal
  • Require immediate removal of the material, program, or event if the board denies a parent or guardian the opportunity to orally recite passages.


1/8/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 183 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to education funding.

This bill would amend section 183 of the KY Constitution to allow for the appropriation of public funds to pay for private education:

  • Propose to amend Section 183 of the Constitution of Kentucky to authorize the General Assembly to provide for a portion of the educational costs of students outside of the public school system with parents of limited financial means; provide ballot language; submit to voters for ratification or rejection.


1/9/2024 – Introduced



AN ACT relating to education.

Change the required learning capacities of Kentucky public school students;

  • Provide that schools shall expect a high level of academic achievement and shall develop students’ ability to think critically and independently;
  • Include career and technical education
  • Remove the reporting requirement relating to physical activity of students
  • Remove the reporting requirement relating to participation in breakfast programs
  • Reflect that school boards are tax levying authorities and do not file budgets with the county clerk
  • Require district budgets to be published in the same manner as school financial reports; repeal KRS 157.061 and 158.856.


1/10/2024 – Introduced



AN ACT relating to school districts.

Provides for merger of school districts, especially in the case of an insolvent district.

  • Provide a merger process for contiguous school districts
  • Require the Kentucky Board of Education to determine the terms of merger for an insolvent district if no agreement between the school districts can be reached
  • Require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate regulations regarding mergers due to insolvency.


1/10/2024 – Introduced



AN ACT relating to teachers.
This bill would require teachers to be compensated when they are required to supervise during non-instructional planning time, and provides for an expansion of the Work Ready Scholarships for individuals in bachelor programs leading to a degree in an area in which there is a critical shortage of teachers.

  • Require teachers to be compensated for noninstructional planning time within their school day during which they are required to supervise or instruct students
  • Expand the program eligibility of the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program to include a program that leads to a bachelor’s degree in education in a critical shortage area.


1/10/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to teacher scholarships.

This bill would remove the expected family contribution a student and his or her family are expected to contribute toward the cost of the student’s education for purposes of qualifying for the scholarship.

  • Remove expected family income from the selection criteria for the teacher scholarship


1/11/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to teacher misconduct in educational settings.

This bill would require background checks and disclosure of prior allegations, investigations and convictions of teacher misconduct in public or non-public schools.

  • Prohibit a public school district or public charter school from entering a nondisclosure agreement relating to misconduct involving a minor or student;
  • Define “abusive conduct”; require school district applicants to disclose being the subject of any allegations or investigations in the previous 12 months and consent to a reference check;
  • Require school districts to conduct reference checks and require nonpublic and public school districts to disclose any allegations or investigations related to abusive conduct of applicants
  • Revise indemnification language to grant immunity for disclosures made about school employee conduct
  • Require school districts to request all related information from public and nonpublic schools and the Education Professional Standards Board and require the schools and EPSB to provide the records
  • Require requests for information to be satisfied in 10 working days instead of 10 days;
  • Require all public school personnel to submit to a state criminal background check every five years
  • Require all school district applicants to list all schools of previous and current employment on the application;
  • Require a school district to internally report and investigate to completion all allegations of abusive conduct;
  • Require all records relating to an allegation of abusive conduct to be retained in an employee’s personnel file unless the allegation is proven false
  • Direct the Kentucky Board of Education to include employment standards in the voluntary certification standards for private schools
  • Define “certified nonpublic school” and require employees of certified nonpublic schools to submit to a national and state criminal background check and a CA/N check
  • Require certified nonpublic school personnel to have a state criminal background check every five years
  • Prohibit a certified nonpublic school from hiring a violent or felony sex crime offender
  • Require a certified nonpublic school to conduct reference checks on all applicants
  • Prohibit a certified nonpublic school from entering into a nondisclosure agreement related to misconduct involving a minor or student
  • Require the Kentucky Department of Education to develop a training related to sexual misconduct for employees to undergo every five years;


1/16/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to full-day kindergarten.

This bill would remove any statutory language that allows for half day kindergarten and only allow appropriations for full day kindergarten.

  • Remove language that allows for half-day kindergarten programs; amend KRS 157.320 and 157.360 to remove references to kindergarten full-time equivalent pupils in average daily attendance for program base funding purposes
  • EFFECTIVE July 1, 2025.


1/16/2024 – Introduced



A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the United States Department of Education to amend the federal accountability requirements.

  • Urge the United States Department of Education to amend the federal accountability requirements to truly afford states the flexibility to implement innovative approaches to student assessment and school accountability.


1/4/2024 – Introduced



A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION reestablishing the Early Childhood Education Task Force.

This resolution would reestablish the Early Childhood Education Task Force.

  • Reestablish the Early Childhood Education Task Force to study the complex issues relating to child care and early childhood education opportunities in the Commonwealth and the impacts of child care on children and families, workforce participation, and economic development;
  • Outline task force membership and require the task force to meet monthly during the 2024 Interim;
  • Require the task force to submit findings and recommendations to the Legislative Research Commission by December 1, 2024.


1/16/2024 – Introduced



AN ACT relating to the KEES scholarships for students attending noncertified schools.

This bill would allow home schooled students to be eligible for KEES scholarships based on ACT scores, identical to HB 46:

  • Include an equivalent score on the Classic Learning Test as a KEES supplemental amount; define “eligible noncertified school graduate”
  • Amend definitions of “KEES award,” “KEES award maximum,” and ” KEES base amount” for an eligible noncertified school graduate; amend KRS 164.7879 to establish an equivalent grade point average for eligible noncertified school graduates based on the graduate’s ACT score; amend KRS 164.7884 to conform.


1/8/2024 – (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education (S)


AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Board of Education.

This bill provides for the election of all 14 members of the State Board of Education by partisan elections:

  • Provide that all 14 voting members of the Kentucky Board of Education are to be elected
  • Establish the process by which members of the Kentucky Board of Education are elected, including a partisan primary and partisan regular election
  • Add a requirement that members of the Kentucky Board of Education shall not have served on a local school board for at least four years preceding the year of their election
  • Establish the process for removal of a member of the Kentucky Board of Education
  • Establish a schedule for transitioning from appointed to elected members
  • Allow appointees to continue to serve in accordance with their appointments until December 31, 2026;
  • EFFECTIVE January 1, 2026.


1/9/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to juvenile justice.

  • Require notice to schools prior to filing of a public offense petition against a child in certain cases.


1/5/2024 – (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education (S)


AN ACT relating to school bus equipment.

Prohibits discrimination against bus accessory and equipment manufacturers unless there is evidence that a manufacturer’s products are defective or dangerous based on federal safety standards.

  • Require that the standards and specifications for accessory equipment and supplies and replacement equipment shall be based on federal safety standards and shall not discriminate among manufacturers unless there is evidence that a specific manufacturer’s product is defective or dangerous to use
  • Require the Kentucky Department of Education to provide the list of standards and specification for accessory equipment and supplies and replacement equipment to the Finance and Administration Cabinet for the purpose of maintaining a list of price contracts
  • Require the Finance and Administration Cabinet to maintain a list of price contracts for the procurement of those items; permit school districts with qualifying tire expenses to seek reimbursement from the Kentucky Department of Education.


1/3/2024 – (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education (S)


AN ACT relating to providing free feminine hygiene products for elementary and secondary students.

Schools to provide free feminine hygiene products to female students grades 4 – 12.

  • Define “feminine hygiene product” and require each public school that includes any of grades four through 12 to provide free feminine hygiene products to female students
  • Require each local board of education to adopt policies for the distribution of free feminine hygiene products.


1/3/2024 – (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations & Revenue (S)


AN ACT relating to school meals at low-income schools and making an appropriation therefor.

Requires KDE and school districts to take advantage of the USDA community eligibility program provisions: (Identical to HB 189)

  • Establish the Kentucky Proud School Match Program and direct the Department of Education to reimburse an eligible school district $0.33 for every meal reimbursed by the community eligibility provision at the paid rate
  • Require a school district that receives a reimbursement to develop and implement a Kentucky Proud school plan to identify and purchase available Kentucky-grown agricultural products and to optimize food usage
  • Direct the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations necessary to carry out this section and provide that the section shall be null and void if the community eligibility provision is terminated by the United States Department of Agriculture
  • Provide that the Act may be cited as the Kentucky Proud School Match Act; APPROPRIATION.


1/3/2024 – (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations & Revenue (S)


AN ACT relating to technology in education and declaring an emergency.

This bill seeks to have KDE, CPE and public schools K – College, and private schools that wish to participate to get a handle on and regulate emerging AI technology:

  • Make legislative findings and declarations and establish the Artificial Intelligence in Kentucky’s Schools project
  • Establish requirements for the Kentucky Department of Education to implement the project and require the department to design professional development trainings related to artificial intelligence
  • Establish professional development requirement for teachers, administrators, school council members, and school board members and require the trainings be made available to nonpublic schools
  • Require school districts to adopt policies and procedures related to artificial intelligence and require school districts to submit annual report to the department
  • Allow nonpublic schools to voluntarily submit a report, require the department to compile the individual reports and submit a statewide report to the Interim Joint Committee on Education and the Legislative Oversight and Investigations Committee
  • Make legislative findings and declarations and establish the Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education project, require the Council on Postsecondary Education to establish an Artificial Intelligence Working Group to provide advice and information to the state’s postsecondary institutions
  • Establish membership of working group, require the council to develop guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence in postsecondary education, require each public postsecondary institution and each institution licensed by the council to establish institution-level working groups to develop recommendations for the institution’s governing board related to artificial intelligence
  • Require institutions to adopt artificial intelligence policies, require each public postsecondary institution and each institution licensed by the council to submit an annual report to the council on artificial intelligence and require the council to compile the individual reports and submit a statewide report to the Interim Joint Committee on Education and the Legislative Oversight and Investigations Committee
  • Include computer programming and artificial intelligence in the definition of “technology
  • Require the Kentucky Department of Education to establish a Council for Education Technology to assist in development of the education technology master plan
  • Establish membership requirements of the council and require the council to assist the department in development of the plan and the approved plan be submitted to the Legislative Research Commission
  • Require the five year plan to include guidelines for the implementation and use of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence at both the state and district levels
  • Require the council to develop recommendations related to emerging technology like artificial intelligence, including recommendations related to academic standards and teacher preparation program standards  and submit those to the Kentucky Board of Education or the Education Professional Standards Board
  • Require the Kentucky Board of Education to establish academic standards related to instruction of computer science that address emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence
  • Require the Kentucky Department of Education to develop guidelines to assist school districts and schools in developing curriculum to implement the academic standards
  • Require the Education Professional Standards Board to set standards for education preparation programs that address the use of emerging technology, including artificial intelligence


1/3/2024 – (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education (S)


AN ACT relating to the transportation of students and declaring an emergency.

Alternative student transportation plans approved by KDE – likely addresses transportation issues at JCPS:

  • Permit school districts to use district-owned and district-leased passenger transportation vehicles to transport students to and from school under an alternative transportation plan approved by the Kentucky Department of Education
  • Provide that vehicles shall be operated by an employee of local school district that is licensed to operate a motor vehicle within the Commonwealth
  • Provide that the Kentucky Department of Education shall promulgate administrative regulations to establish minimum standards and specifications for an alternative transportation plan
  • Require the driver of any non-school bus passenger vehicle authorized to transport students to and from school pursuant to the alternative transportation plan submit to an annual national and state criminal background check and clear CA/N check
  • Provide that an individual who operates a school bus or other district-owned or district-leased vehicle to transport a student or students without a valid, active license to operate that motor vehicle within the Commonwealth shall be guilty of a Class D felony


1/8/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to education.

This bill would prohibit school districts from engaging in DEIB programs in any manner, which likely raises a number of unintended consequences in the process.  The bill deletes all references to the ‘trauma informed approach’ to students, which acknowledges the need to understand a student’s life experiences in order to effectively deal with issues surrounding the student:

  • Prohibit that a local school district or public charter school from requiring a statement, pledge, or oath, other than to uphold general and federal law, the United States Constitution, and the Constitution of Kentucky, as a part of any recruitment, hiring, employment, promotion, disciplinary, or evaluation process
  • Prohibit public school districts and schools from expending any resources or funds to purchase membership in, or goods and services from, any organization that discriminates on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or religion; to prohibit public school districts and schools from expending any resources or funds on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging or political or social activism
  • Prohibit public school districts from engaging in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
  • Provide a limited exception for compliance with state or federal law
  • Strike all references to trauma-informed approach


1/8/2024 – Introduced


AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Board of Education.

This bill would make the student member of the KY Board of Education a voting member, add an at-large member and require at least two members to be the parent of a child enrolled in public school:

  • Change the public high school nonvoting student member to a voting member of the Kentucky Board of Education
  • Add an at-large member to the board and require at least two of the members to have a child enrolled in public school
  • Exclude the student member from the age and college degree requirements.




1/9/2024 – Introduced


 SB 109    KEEs Scholarships  (Armstrong, Cassie)


AN ACT relating to Kentucky educational excellence scholarships and declaring an emergency.

This bill would increase the base KEEs award based on GPA, Cambridge Advanced International test scores, and for students in comprehensive transistion and postsecondary programs.

  • Increase the Kentucky educational excellence scholarship base amount for each eligible grade point average
  • Increase the supplemental award amounts and require a supplemental award for eligible Cambridge Advanced International scores
  • Increase the award amount for an eligible student enrolled in a comprehensive transition and postsecondary program


1/16/2024 – Introduced






  • A RESOLUTION honoring the 2024 Kentucky Teacher of the Year, Kevin Dailey
  • Honor 2024 Kentucky Teacher of the Year, Kevin Dailey.


1/3/2024 – adopted by voice vote

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