VOTE in November!

VOTE!  The Stakes Couldn’t Be Higher

The midterm elections are just a few days away, and the votes of retired teachers couldn’t be more important. The pension reform bill passed by the state legislature this year is before the Kentucky Supreme Court, and that means we could see another pension battle in 2019. And retiree healthcare remains an ongoing issue for Kentucky legislators.

The bottom line is that we need to ensure we have legislators in office who are committed to protecting the financial security of Kentucky’s retired teachers. In 2018, retired teachers made sure their voices were heard like never before, and we must keep up the momentum.

While the Kentucky Retired Teachers Association (KTRA) does not endorse candidates, we do take legislative positions designed to protect the interests of our members. We encourage retired teachers to cast informed votes, and we have developed a list of ten questions to ask candidates running for office. Their responses can help determine if these policymakers are aligned with the interests of retired teachers.

We encourage retired education professionals to take time to the review the 2018 Election Guide available at to help inform voting decisions.

Pay Attention to Federal Elections

In addition to state and local candidates, all six of Kentucky’s seats in the U.S. House of Representatives are up for re-election. There are myriad federal issues that could impact older Americans, so informed voting is critical in protecting Kentucky retirees. Learn more about Kentucky’s congressional candidates at

Some of the issues Congress could address next year that are important to age 50+ Kentuckians include:

  • Prescription drug prices
  • Medicare and Medicaid
  • Caregiving
  • Taxes on retirement
  • Financial Fraud

KRTA’s partner, AARP, has developed a rich body of non-partisan information about the election. Visit to take a deep dive on candidates and key policy issues.

Find Official Kentucky Voting Information

Prior to election day, investing a little time preparing to cast your vote can pay off.  NonProfitVote offers comprehensive voter information by state to ensure your visit to the poll is easy and efficient.

Visit to check your registration, find your polling place, and view a sample ballot. This site also offers information on absentee voting and voter identification requirements, and it even includes information on volunteering to become a poll worker on election day.

Make a Plan to Get to the Polls

Getting to the polls to vote is easy for some – just a quick walk around the corner or a short drive to the polling station.

But for others, getting to the polls may seem like an unsurmountable task. Taking time off from work or overcoming physical disabilities can prevent retired teachers from exercising their right to vote. And living in remote or rural communities can make getting to the polls particularly difficult.

But with a little advance planning, there are ways to make sure your vote is counted.

Did you know that several of the popular ride-sharing companies are offering free or discounted rides to the polls? Uber ( announced it is partnering with Democracy Works and #VoteTogether to provide promotional codes for free rides to voters on November 6th. Meanwhile, its ridesharing competitor Lyft ( announced it will provide 50 percent off rides across the country, and free rides to underserved communities that face significant obstacles to transportation.

Another option is to carpool. Driving long distances can be cumbersome, unrealistic or just dangerous for some retired teachers. Reach out to a few neighbors, friends or your fellow retired teacher and arrange driving to the polls together.

What if you’re going to be out of town on Election Day?

If you are going to be out of town on election day you may be able to vote via absentee ballot or visit your county clerk’s office to vote in person prior to election day.  To find out if your eligible simply click this link or call your local county clerk office.

We appreciate the continued advocacy efforts of retired educators, and hope that we can put lawmakers in office who are committed to our financial security.

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How can you help?

Send a pre-written message to your local officials using the form below.  

Are you a retired teacher who now lives outside the Commonwealth of Kentucky? click here

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