All Eyes On Frankfort As HB 525 Vote Looms

Lex18 – 3/04/2019 (reprinted)

By Melissa Ratliff
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FRANKFORT, Ky. (LEX 18 )- Teachers filled the annex at the State Capitol Monday evening in anticipation of the state house voting on HB 525, a bill which would change the general administration and management of the Teachers Retirement System Board of Trustees.

Last week, schools in Fayette and Jefferson Counties were closed among others as teachers went to Frankfort to show their opposition.

HB 525 passed in the House committee last week and was expected to have been voted on today. However, it didn’t happen.

Kentucky House Speaker, Representative David Osborne explained.

“The sponsor, as well as some other members are working on some amendments to address some of the concerns that came up. I know that they’re working on getting those amendments filed. I don’t know if they got them filed before the end of business or not,” said Osborne.

Teachers tell LEX 18 that they’ll continue to keep a close eye on HB 525.

“Our voices are going to be heard one way or another. And we’ve called, and we’ve texted and we’ve emailed and we’ve shown up and we’ve visited town halls,” teacher Jenni Bolander told LEX 18.

There is no word on what time that vote will happen.

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