Coronavirus Update

Dear KRTA Members,

In an attempt to be proactive regarding the coronavirus threat, it might be prudent if you avoid gatherings of people for a while. We are in uncharted territory regarding this coronavirus situation.

Each day we are seeing more and more cases across the commonwealth. Our membership is at the highest risk for complication from this virus. Please use your discretion about having local meetings until this threat has subsided.

We will not be making a decision about the KRTA Convention on April 20 and 21 until a later date. Please continue to register for the convention. In the event the convention is cancelled, we will be refunding your registration fee. When we do make that decision it will be in congruence with the KRTA mission, “to look out for the welfare of retired teachers.”

At this time we will continue to prepare for the convention. Please continue to submit your registration along with your local and district recognition forms, your grandparent essay and volunteer hours.
Please call the KRTA office if you have any questions.

Please consider all guidelines from the Center for Disease Control and your local government entities. The state government has also set you a website at

We at KRTA have made the decision to be precautious. Please limit your contact with each other. I would rather err on the side of safety. This threat is nothing to take lightly.

Best regards,

Tim Abrams
Executive Director

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