Gov. Bevin: A ‘Special Session is Coming’ for Pension Reform

WHAS11 News Louisville – 11/17/2017 (reprinted)

By Chris Williams
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gov. bevinFRANKFORT, Ky. (WHAS11) — Late Friday afternoon Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin briefly remarked that he will call for a special session to address one of the Commonwealth’s biggest issues, pension reform. Governor Bevin did not say when it will happen.

This week new questions have been raised whether the Republican’s proposal would cost more than predicted. In the past few days about two dozen lawmakers, including those on both sides of the aisle, have told us that they question whether the plan is ready or there are enough days left this year.
But Friday morning leaders in both the Senate and House seem to echo what Governor Bevin suggested, that all hope is not lost.

“The special session is coming, stay tuned,” said Governor Bevin to Associated Press Reporter Adam Beam.

The quick exchange recorded by Beam concluded with Governor Bevin saying, “The pension bill will be passed. We’ll have pension reform and it’ll happen soon.”

The comments came after a news conference at the Capitol regarding fighting the opioid epidemic.
Earlier Friday several members of the Kentucky House and Senate took part in a joint committee hearing at Jim Beam.

Senate Majority Floor Leader Damon Thayer and Kentucky House Speaker Pro Tem David Osborne both cited recent progress as leading them to believe that the Governor will still call a special session.

“We’ve had really, really good meetings the past several days with members of the Senate and our leadership and our staff and key members,” said Speaker Pro Tem Osborne, “and we’ve made good progress, I believe.”

“I’m more optimistic today than I have been in a couple of weeks,” said Floor Majority Leader Thayer.

He added, “We’ve had some really great meetings this week between House and Senate pension leaders and, as I’ve said in the recent past, we’re making some modifications to the proposal and taking a look at how it might score.”

Despite recent concerns that the bill will cost more than predicted, Floor Leader Thayer said fixes are not that time-consuming.

“It’s a matter of practicality,” he insisted. “We have a bill that has been drafted and we can make changes to it. It’s not like we’re starting from square one, we’ve got a bill that tweaks can be made to and get to a final bill a lot quicker than we could a month or six or eight weeks ago.”
The window of opportunity is closing quickly. With the Thanksgiving holiday next week, and year ending holidays, most understand that leaves the first two weeks in which Governor Bevin could fit in a special session before the regular session begins on January 2.

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