Gov. Bevin Announces He Will Veto Entire Budget and Tax Reform Bill

Gov. Bevin’s veto of House Bill 200 and Senate Bill 366 are a setback to public education in Kentucky. While these bills are far from perfect, it fully funds TRS the next two years and addresses important KRTA legislative priorities, including allocating $59.5 million in Fiscal Year 2019 from the general fund to cover the cost of single coverage health insurance for members who have retired since July 1, 2010 but are not yet eligible for Medicare. The legislation also removes language that would require TRS personnel to report through the personnel cabinet and eventually to the Governor.

The Kentucky Retirement Teachers Association strongly encourages you to call your elected officials and tell them to override the Governor Bevin’s veto on HB 200 and SB 366.

Legislative Hotline: 1-800-372-7181

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