
House GOP lawmakers Send Letter Asking Gov. Bevin Not to Call Special Session

Spectrum News – 12/7/2017 (reprinted)

By Nick Storm
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House Republican lawmakers sent a letter on Wednesday calling for Gov. Matt Bevin, R-Kentucky, to wait on calling a special session, and take up pension reform during the regular session in January during the regular session.

Bevin has been adamant that he would call the special session this year, despite setbacks in recent weeks as House Republicans have openly balked at an earlier version of the pension reforms contained within a 505 page bill draft.

House Republicans have been negotiating a revised version of the bill with Senate Republicans and Bevin; Senate Republicans have said they have the votes in their caucus and their leaders say they’re ready for a special session if it is called by Bevin.

In the letter, sent Wednesday and signed by House Republican leadership, and what looks to be most of the GOP House caucus, ask Bevin to delay pension reforms until next year when lawmakers are back in session starting Jan. 2.

“…We believe, given that we are already in December, and with holiday activities in our communities underway, this is a matter that would best be addressed in the 2018 Regular Session of the Kentucky General Assembly, which will begin in a mere 27 days.”

The letter says that lawmakers in the House GOP caucus continue to meet with officials and constituents on the matter. However, the letter continues by recognizing Bevin’s sole authority to not call lawmakers back to Frankfort, but requesting he wait for January to tackle the topic.

Download the full copy of the letter with signatures here: letter to gov.pdf

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