KY Attorney General Opinion: COLA Changes Illegal, Go Against “Inviolable Contract”

Statement from Kentucky Retired Teachers Association (KRTA) Executive Director Tim Abrams regarding Attorney General opinion on COLA and inviolable contract:

Today’s opinion by Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear that proposed changes to the COLA formula would violate state law and Kentucky’s inviolable contract with participants in the state’s public pension confirms what the KRTA and others have argued for months.

This opinion is further evidence that the Gov. Matt Bevin administration and members of the Kentucky General Assembly still don’t have a legal, workable, fair, and acceptable pension reform plan. As our members used to tell their students when they gave the wrong answer in class, it’s back to the drawing board! We also want to thank and applaud Rep. James Kay for having the courage and initiative to seek this important and far-reaching opinion.

Click here to read full opinion from
Attorney General Andy Beshear
on COLAs

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