Ky Supreme Court Unanimously Overturns SB 151 – Statement From KRTA Executive Director

The Kentucky Supreme Court’s decision today to overturn Senate Bill 151 provides the citizens of our state with a unique opportunity to put aside partisan rhetoric and come together to craft a legislative solution to our current pension issues, one that insures dignified retirement for the thousands of our retired school teachers and those who will retire in the future.

Many states have been able to enact meaningful pension reform that strikes a balance between maintaining the solvency of retirement funds while not breaking state government’s promise to provide teachers with a fair pension upon their retirement. We look forward to and remain committed to collaborating with Gov. Bevin and our legislators to find a reasonable solution to this situation that works for all stakeholders.

Tim Abrams

Executive Director, KRTA


Read more at these links:–Supreme-Court-pension-reform-law-ruling–502699511.html

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