Legislative Update 3-16-18

The advocacy of retired teachers is inspiring and making a difference for a better Kentucky and stronger public schools. Keep visiting Frankfort and keep the legislative message line ringing during the remaining days of the 2018 General Assembly

It is anticipated the Senate version of the budget will be released early next week. It is imperative we stay engaged to protect the under-65 health insurance funding included in the amended house version of the of the budget.

Let’s expand our force, please encourage your friends and family to contact their legislators. We all want a strong Kentucky and strong public schools. Don’t let “dark money” from billionaires outside our state frame our future. It is without a doubt that groups like “Freedom Works,” “Save Our Pensions,” the Koch Brothers, and John Arnold do not speak for Kentucky’s future.

A reminder if you cannot make it to Frankfort you can watch proceeding of Committees and both the House and Senate Chambers on line at the following link. https://www.ket.org/legislature/

Thanks for your continued advocacy for retired teacher benefits and public education. Below are talking points to share with your legislators, today and early next week.

  • HB200 (Budget Bill) as amended by the House protects education funding and under 65 health insurance and uses additional revenue to do so. These or similar measures should be supported in the Senate.
  • TRS administration/management should not be changed to the merit system through a two-year budget bill like HB200. From a recent radio it continues to be evident the Governor has no respect for teachers and shouldn’t be given any control of their retirement system (TRS).
  • Thanks for listening to our concerns with SB 1. Pension reform should not be made on the backs of retired or current teachers or by passing on costs to local taxpayers. Of the $3.2 savings SB1 is projected to generate, $2.5 billion is generated through cuts to retiree benefits and another $.5 billion is on current teacher benefits and the local taxpayer.
  • SB66 (CERS phase in) should move forward as is or similar plan made in the budget.

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