Legislative Update – April 1, 2024

Day 58 of the Kentucky General Assembly ended on Friday, March 29, 2024, the last day before the veto period. The General Assembly will gavel back in for the final two days of the 2024 General Assembly on Friday, April 12 and Monday April 15. Those days will see additional bills passed as well as possible overrides of the Governors vetoes.

Day 58, as usual, saw a lot of bills flying through both the House and the Senate. Two of KRTA’s priorities were realized on Friday. The Free Conference Report on House Bill 6 passed both chambers and now awaits the Governors signature. It fully funds the TRS pension request and fully funds retiree health insurance as stipulated by the Shared Responsibility plan passed in 2010. This ensures that TRS will have been fully funded by the General Assembly for 10 consecutive years.

Prior to Friday, House Bill 1 contained $500 million to pay down part of the unfunded liability at TRS. That $500 million was in both the Senate and House versions of HB 1, however that money was paired back to $80 million ($40 million per year).

KRTA followed several prescription drug bills throughout the session. KRTA advocacy was able to get TRS annuitants 65 and older and their dependents excluded from SB 188. SB 188 passed the House unanimously and the Senate 35 -1 with Senator Thayer being the only no vote. Proponents of the bill say it will have little to no impact on all health insured Kentuckians including retirees under 65. KRTA will continue to follow prescription drug pricing and all bills that may impact their pricing.

Thank you to all legislative volunteers and members who contributed to achieving KRTA priorities throughout the session.

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