New Pension Bill Filed by Rep. Jerry Miller – HB576

New Bill Filed by Rep. Jerry Miller – HB576

Late last night, Rep. Jerry Miller filed House Bill 576 (HB 576) a pension reform bill. We are currently reviewing the bill in detail to understand both the intended and unintended consequences of the legislation. From our conversations with Rep. Miller, it is modeled after HB504, which was filed during the 2019 legislative session by Rep. Scott Lewis (R) and Rep. Travis Brenda (R).

We have drafted the following statement that we released to the media:

“Like others, we are reviewing Rep. Jerry Miller’s recently filed HB576 for the impact it may have on retired teachers across Kentucky. As discussions on the legislation proceed, it is vital that all stakeholders are brought to the table for their input, expertise and concerns to be heard and considered. We look forward to learning more about the legislation – which appears similar to last year’s HB504 – and engaging Rep. Miller and other members of the General Assembly.”

The 2020 legislative session is nearly two-thirds complete and last night there were more than 100 bills filed before the deadline. We will closely evaluate and monitor HB576 as the session progresses and continue to give you updates.

As always, your phone calls, emails, and social media advocacy has been a vital force in shaping legislation. I ask that you continue to remain steadfast and ready to engage, should the need arise.

Thanks and God Bless You,

Tim Abrams
Executive Director
Kentucky Retired Teachers Association

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