Greetings KRTA Family:
Today is day 51 of the 60 day session, only 9 days remain for the 2024 General Assembly. Those 9 remaining days are currently scheduled as March 15, 21, 22, 25,26, 27, and 28 with the last two days occurring on April 12 and 15 when they will adjourn for the year.
KRTA’s volunteers and lobbyists will continue to monitor the 2024 General Assembly until the final gavel falls.
The Senate’s version of the State Budget passed unanimously in the Senate yesterday. Senate Committee Substitute 1 to House Bill 1 includes the additional $500 million to be applied to the unfunded actuarially accrued liability of the TRS pension fund. Senate Committee Substitute 1 to House Bill 6 includes full funding for the TRS pension system and full funding for the medical insurance trust fund (the Shared Responsibility Plan) for the biennium.
There are other differences in the Senate and House budgets. Those differences will be ironed out in the budget conference committee in the coming days.
I can never stress enough how impactful a visit to your elected officials can be on behalf of the KRTA. Several KRTA members traveled to Frankfort to visit with members of the legislature the past two weeks. Their time and effort was helpful in advancing KRTA’s legislative priorities and protecting our earned benefits.
Susan Thurman, President of the Jefferson County Retired Teachers Association, Beth Dowdell, JCRTA Legislative Chair and Representative Killian Timoney.
Rep. Adam Bowling meets KRTA member Barbara Asher
Tim Abrams, KRTA Exec. Director, Greg Rousch KRTA Deputy Exec. Director, Senator Donald Douglas, Barbara Asher KRTA member, Harold Wilson KRTA Past President and 2nd Dist. Legislative Chair
Senator Brandon Smith and KRTA Member Barbara Asher
Senator Donald Douglas and KRTA Past President Harold Wilson. Harold Wilson was Sen. Douglas’ High School Basketball Coach at Davies County High
Also, not pictures are KRTA 2nd District President Susan Weatherford (Hopkins County) KRTA member Janice Gillaspie (Webster County).
Although things can change at the drop of a hat, the KRTA is on track to achieve all of its legislative priorities. That does not happen with your strong engagement. On behalf of KRTA members and our staff, I thank you.
Kind regards,
Tim Abrams,
Executive Director