Your Advocacy is Needed

We are in the final days. Your calls, emails, and contacts with your legislators have never been so important as we enter the final days of the 2018 General Assembly. Since the House and Senate budget are quite different, a conference committee has been formed to iron out the final budget.
Please call your legislator and members of the conference committee listed below and simply ask that they do these two things:

#1 – Remove the language from HB 200/SCS 1 and HB 366/SCS that would mean all employees of TRS, except the Executive Secretary, shall be subject to the state personnel system and shall have their salaries determined by the Secretary of the Personnel Cabinet.

This gives too much power over the operations of TRS to the executive branch. It will weaken the ability of TRS to hire the best and brightest. TRS’s administrative cost are some of the lowest in the nation, why would the general assembly want to change that?

#2 – Restore full funding to the TRS system.

Stop playing political games with our retirement.

Legislative Hotline, CALL NOW:



House Conference Committee:
Rep. Steven Rudy
Rep. Jonathan Shell
Rep. David Meade
Rep. Kevin Bratcher
Rep. David Osborne
Rep. Bam Carney
Rep. James Tipton
Rep. Rocky Adkins
Rep. Wilson Stone
Rep. Dennis Keene
Rep. Sal Santoro

Senate Conference Committee:
Sen. Robert Stivers
Sen. Jimmy Higdon
Sen. Mike Wilson
Sen. Dan Seum
Sen. Damon Thayer
Sen. David Givens
Sen. Ray Jones
Sen. Dennis Parrot
Sen. Dorsey Ridley.

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