Supporters Asked to Urge Their Legislators to Vote “NO” on HB 525 Ahead of Monday, March 4 Vote

KRTA members and supporters are asked to call and leave one of the following two messages, or both, Monday morning. House Bill 525 was passed out of committee and is due for consideration in the House on Monday afternoon. Members are also encouraged to attend the vote on Monday in Frankfort to voice their opposition.

The LRC Message Center begins accepting calls at 7:00am Monday morning. This bill will be voted on in the KY House on Monday afternoon, March 4.

-CALL TODAY- 1-800-372-7181


HB 525 is an attack on teachers’ role in nominating the persons elected to the TRS Board of Trustees.
The way in which supporters of HB 525 would change the trustee nominating process would bring dysfunction and instability to the TRS Board that for 75 years has consistently been one of the highest-rated public retirement systems in the nation. Supporters of HB 525 are willing to risk the retirement security of Kentucky educators to make ill-advised and hastily drafted changes to TRS with no stakeholder input.
Vote “NO” on HB 525.
TRS is not broken and does not need to be fixed.



HB 525 will make disastrous changes to the TRS Board of Trustees nominating and appointment process that threaten the retirement security of Kentucky educators. These changes are being proposed by legislators who have been stymied in their attempts to gut the teachers’ pension system and are now making a back door run at gutting teachers’ voice in how TRS Board members are nominated.
Any change to TRS should only be considered with the input of active and retired teachers.
Vote “NO” on HB 525.
TRS is not broken and does not need to be fixed.


The LRC Message Center begins accepting calls at 7:00am Monday morning. This bill is scheduled for a vote in the KY House on Monday, March 4 in the afternoon.

Please contact your Representative
by calling 1-800-372-7181
or via email by clicking here

To learn more about the importance of TRS Board of Trustees remaining unchanged, read the TRS fact sheet by clicking this link.

Thank you for your support.

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